voices of global south youth

voices from our youth

voices from our youth

Get ready for an exciting experience at the AI Global South Summit 2024! We are thrilled to announce that this year, we are dedicating a special focus to our incredible youth. We recognize the immense talent, creativity, and fresh perspectives that our young minds bring to the table, and we can't wait to hear from you!

Throughout the summit, we will be hosting a dynamic series of lightning talks. These short, impactful presentations (5-7 minutes each) will feature young innovators sharing their groundbreaking ideas, unique insights, and inspiring stories. It's a fantastic opportunity for our youth to showcase their vision for the future and engage with a global audience.

But that's not all! To keep the energy high and the atmosphere vibrant, these lightning talks will be interspersed with captivating performances from local artists. Expect a richness of creative cultural expressions, from music and dance to visual arts and spoken word, creating a truly immersive and unforgettable experience.

We are also excited to hear from artists of all types, from fashion to music and art, as they share their AI visions. These creative minds will present their unique perspectives on how AI is shaping and influencing their fields, offering a glimpse into the future of art and technology.

Join us at the AI Global South Summit 2024 as we celebrate and elevate the voices of our youth and artists. Let's inspire, engage, and create together!

Send us your ideas on presenting at this conference - Each lighting talk is 5-7 minutes long and must abide by the theme of the conference.

Conference Abstract

This event is made possible by local organizations and invited artists

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Join us for a Pre-Summit Virtual Open House!

This informal gathering is a fantastic opportunity for attendees to connect, network, and meet the summit co-chairs ahead of the main event. Bring your favorite refreshment, engage in light conversation, and start building relationships with fellow participants before the summit begins.

RSVP is required to receive the Zoom invite to confirm your attendance to join us for this exciting prelude to our main event!

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