Kimani .F. Goddard PhDc

Senior Intellectual Property Law and Policy Advisor

Kimani .F. Goddard PhDc, is an experienced Senior Intellectual Property Law and Policy Advisor. She has been a Senior Consulting IP Advisor for more than 12 years, with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), specialising in copyright law, collective management of copyright , digital copyright law and technology law, as well as TRIPS flexibilities. She currently advises on data acquisition, licensing and copyright infringement at New York based start-up LatimerAI. LatimerAI specialises in building tools that address the problem of bias and inclusivity within Large Language Models.

Kimani’s career has also included her work as a key policy developer of the WIPO Guidelines on Assessing the Economic, Social, and Cultural Impact of Copyright Law in the Creative Industries (Economy). Kimani .F. Goddard, PhDc is also a certified member of the WIPO Academy Experts Group. She previously held the Senior Policy Advisor role, with the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC), contributing to European Union copyright reform efforts in the JURI Committee and WIPO. Her career has also taken her to Saudi Arabia, where she advised law firms, and was a Lecturer in Intellectual Property and International Law, at Prince Mohammed bin Fahd University. Her efforts helped to develop the university’s cooperation with WIPO, and its intellectual property programme. Kimani is also a Non-Resident Fellow of the World Trade Institute in Bern Switzerland, specialising in intellectual property, international investment law and digital trade regulation. She organized the first Digital Trade legal, economic and policy conference at the WTI, alongside Director of Studies. Prof. Peter Van den Bossche. She holds a Master of Laws in International Law [Specialised in International Economic Law], from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva Switzerland, as well as a Master of Research (quantitative) International Relations (International Trade Policy) from Keele University in the United Kingdom.

Kimani .F. Goddard is currently a PhD Fellow and Researcher at the Maastricht University Faculty of Law, where her work focuses on networks of explicit and implicit intellectual property clauses within international investment agreements, and their importance for global trade, investment and the digital economy. She is also a member of the Maastricht University Law & Technology Lab, working on AI & Intellectual Property Rights, in addition to mapping biological patent data. She is interested in the evolution of intangible property norms as a driver of global trade flows and digital trade, as well as the future of intangible property rights in personal and biological data.