Zaria Ingham

former Junior Minister of Tourism, member of the Turks & Caicos Islands National Youth Parliament & National Youth Council, and as a UNICEF Youth Champion Trainer and Advocate

 Ms. Zaria Ingham is a proud Turks and Caicos Islander who has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to community building and youth empowerment throughout her life. From a young age, she has been a tireless advocate for youth, taking on roles that have had a profound and lasting impact on her peers and the broader community. Her leadership has been evident through her service as the former Junior Minister of Tourism, a member of the Turks and Caicos Islands National Youth Parliament and National Youth Council, and as a UNICEF Youth ChampionTrainer and Advocate. Through these roles, Ms. Ingham has contributed to meaningful conversations and initiatives aimed at amplifying the voices of young people in the Turks and Caicos Islands, on local, regional, and international platforms.

Her journey has been marked by a deep dedication to creating positive change. As the former Female CARICOM Youth Ambassador for the Turks and Caicos Islands, Ms. Ingham collaborated closely with regional and international organisations, including the CARICOM Youth Ambassador Corps, UNICEF Eastern Caribbean Area, and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). Her work has focused on addressing critical issues she is passionate about, such as climate change, economic empowerment, and education, due to their direct impact on Caribbean youth.

Ms.Ingham is also grateful for her academic achievements, having recently graduated with the highest honours, Summa Cum Laude, from Florida International University, earning a Bachelors Degree in Organisational Communication. Currently, she serves as the Communications Coordinator for the Office of the Premier and Public Policy, where she continues her mission of contributing to the development and sustainability of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

In recognition of her outstanding contributions, Ms. Ingham was recently recognised as an honouree in the Turks and Caicos Islands Government’s inaugural Civil Service Top 40 Under 40 event, further solidifying her status as a leader and changemaker in her country. She is humbled by this acknowledgement and views it as an encouragement to continue serving her country to the best of her abilities.