Fabien Anthony, Chairman of the Pan African Council, Global Entrepreneur, Venture Investor, & Community Leader , Special Advisor on International Relations, Cooperation, Trade, Impact & Innovation

Recognised as the Global Top 100 Most Influential People of African Descent (MIPAD)  Under 40 and the African Travel Top 100 Global Tourism Personalities in 2019, Fabien  Anthony is a lifelong entrepreneur and impact investor in the information technology,  agribusiness, real estate, and entertainment sectors with ventures that have expanded to  over 22 countries across four continents. Fabien's career spans business development  and international trade, political advisory and strategic counsel, as well as catalysing  public and private sector investment for sustainable socioeconomic development.  

Fabien is currently a Founding Managing Partner of the Africa Equity Group — a firm that empowers  African enterprises by providing strategic capital, technical assistance, and access to business  ecosystems in the real estate, agribusiness, microfinance, and technology sectors. 

With over 15 years of experience in business development, strategy, information technologies,  management operations, investment and trade, Fabien has successfully advised and developed  solutions for such diverse clients and institutions as: Hewlett-Packard, Sun Microsystems (now  Oracle), Level 3, Jianxin Group (China), SunGrow (China), China’s One Belt One Road (OBOR) Fund  Management, Ziff Brothers (New York), XacBank (Mongolia), Mercadex International (Canada), WAI  Capital (Canada), the World Economic Forum at Davos, McGill University’s Desautel African Business  Initiative, and various Chambers of Commerce, among others. Fabien also co-founded AFAR Ventures – a leading data, media, and creative agency featured in Forbes Brasil and Exame Magazine.  AFAR specializes in trends and insights across emerging diversity markets and serves domestic and  international brands such as PEPSICO, Netflix, Sony, Disney, and AFROPUNK, among others.  Previously, Fabien worked as Global Exports Manager with Fuzhou C&D Co., Ltd., leading export sales  over a 2-year period for building materials, tiles, tubing, cement and electrical equipment while  developing new markets for the company in Africa and Latin America. 

In the public sphere, Fabien was recently appointed by the Vice President of The Republic of  Colombia, H.E. Francia Marquez, to advise on the expansion of Colombia’s diplomatic, commercial,  and cultural ties with Africa as part of its foreign policy strategy. He has previously advised the  Government of Barbados in various priority sectors, the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis on ICT  capacity building, Peru’s National Science, Technology & Innovation Council, the Government of South  Africa on foreign direct investment, the Ghana Investment and Promotion Council, and ProColombia  on emerging export markets. On the African continent, Fabien has provided philanthropic guidance,  consulting and impact investing strategies for several family offices and royalty including Princess  Tirelo of the Royal Bafokeng Kingdom (South Africa) and Queen Diambi Kabatusuila Tshiyoyo Muata of  the Kingdom of Luba (DR Congo). 

Fabien also chairs the Pan-African Council (PAC), a global leadership and strategic development  organisation dedicated to the advancement of Africa and her global diaspora. In 2018, the African  Union Citizens and Diaspora Directorate (CIDO) appointed him as a consultative member of the  Diaspora Caucus to bring together prominent leaders across civil society and the Diaspora for the  benefit of Africa’s development. His thought pieces have been published on CNBC Africa and Al  Jazeera. 

As part of his social commitment, Fabien also volunteers and dedicates the Council’s resources to  develop the self-confidence, capabilities and entrepreneurship skills of at-risk youth who live in  communities afflicted by poverty and violence. He achieves this through digital media, music, life skills  workshops, language instruction, and self-confidence building activities. 

Fabien Anthony holds a distinguished degree in the field of Electrical Engineering and a Master’s in  Business Administration with advanced studies in International Development and Globalisation. He is  fluent in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin Chinese, Antillean/Haitian Creole, and  conversational in Russian.